A number of OSG sculptors are again taking part in Oxfordshire Art Weeks this year.
The Art Weeks festival guide and artists directory can be found on their website.
Message from David Williams, exhibiting in Brampton as part of Oxfordshire Art Weeks 2023…
I've been spending time in the studio on new work recently, which will be exhibited in artweeks in May. The exhibition is in my home in Bampton and is, as ever, jointly with the wonderful Sue Side. This year we also welcome young jeweller and silversmith Tamzin Keown to the fold. Her work on the four elements fits nicely with Sue's and my natural themes. My new work recently has been particularly inspired by looking at chaotic patterns in nature, including eddying water in the local streams and the Thames, bird flight, the feathers of the peacocks who parade around my studio, waves, ferns and more. I've attached photos of a couple of that series complete and in progress to give you an idea, and a flyer for the show - we are venue 291 on p67 of the Artweeks brochure. We're open on 13/14/19/20/21 May from 10-5 and as ever there's a warm welcome with drinks and cake as well as the wonderful art in the house and Jane's gorgeous garden.
Other OSG members are also exhibiting this year: Suzanne Abell, Louise Allison, Rachel Ducker, Briony Lawson, Melissa Orrom Swan and Min Reid.
Check the Oxfordshire Art Weeks guide to see details of their venues and opening times if you are interested to meet them and see their work.