The on-line application form for this OSG sculpture exhibition as part of the Blenheim Palace Autumn Festival is now available for you to complete and submit via the Members Area on the OSG website.
Deadline for entries: Thursday 26th August
Set-up: Monday 19th September, between 1.00pm and 4.00pm
Take down: Monday 3rd October, between 10.30am and 1pm
This is an outdoor-only exhibition and sculptures will need to be in keeping with the theme of the Blenheim Palace Autumn Festival. The broader theme of the festival is The Environment, covering wildlife, woodland and waterways with a particular focus on insects.
If you are uncertain whether or not your work fits with the theme of this exhibition and would like some feedback before you fill out an entry form, please contact the group administrator.
OSG exhibitors in this exhibition are not required to steward.
Further details about the exhibition can be found in the exhibition Terms and Conditions.
Note that the set up for this Blenheim Palace Exhibition is in the afternoon of the same day as the take down of the Spetchley Park Summer Exhibition. So, if you are exhibiting in both exhibitions, you may be able to go directly from Spetchley to Blenheim and save on some mileage.
The on-line application form is accessed via the Members Area on the OSG website.
If you wish to enter work for this exhibition…
• Log in to the Members Area on the OSG website.
• Click on "Exhibition Info".
• Click on “Terms and Conditions” and read the document for Blenheim Palace Autumn Festival Exhibition to make sure you accept and can comply with these.
• Go back to "Exhibition Info" and click on "Application Forms". Scroll to the bottom of the page to see "Blenheim Palace Autumn Festival Exhibition" in the Open for Application box
• Click on: "Application Form" to bring up the form and complete in full for each sculpture to be entered. Upload an image of the sculpture into the box on the form. Make sure you add your initials to indicate that you accept the Terms and Conditions.
• Press "Submit" when finished.
• Complete the blank form again for further entries.
Please note that the application window is relatively short and the deadline for applications is Thursday 26th August.
If you have any questions about the exhibition or the application process, please contact the group administrator.