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OSG moving to GoCardless payments in 2023


We have recently undergone a period where annual Membership Renewals became due. These have now mostly been received but the whole process was spread over a period of three months, involved a fair amount of chasing and quite a number of duplicate payments had to be sorted out. This involved both the Treasurer and Membership Secretary in many extra hours making sure that all the payments were received and reconciled to the Bank Account.

In the next few months, we will be putting on Exhibitions for members to show and sell their work. Each entry into the Exhibition will be charged an entry fee and artists will be asked to pay their fees into the Group’s Bank account. Again, this will involve reconciliation and checking that all are received.

The Steering Group have discussed this issue and have agreed to put in place a new system using GoCardless. Many other societies successfully use this system and some of you may already have experience of its benefits.

GoCardless is a direct debit system where we, OSG, have full control over payments. All members will need to sign up to the system, giving basic personal information and details of their Bank account. All that will be required by way of Bank details are the Bank account name, Account number and Sort Code. You will not be asked for details of your debit or credit card. In fact, the only information required is freely available on cheques that used to be issued in the past.

Once signed up, we can set up an annual payment on 31st of January for your annual Membership Subscription. You will have to do no more, knowing that your annual renewal will be sorted without you having to take any action. If you currently have a Standing Order for your Subscriptions, then this MUST be cancelled otherwise you will pay twice.

We can also take one off payments using GoCardless and so when you exhibit, your entry fee can be taken without you having to worry about sorting out a Bank payment. You will be advised by GoCardless about each forthcoming payment in advance of it being debited.

Over the course of March we will be sending you a link inviting you to sign up to the GoCardless system. Please can you respond to this when received so that we can have the system up and running before the forthcoming Exhibitions. The links are time sensitive.

This new system will make the OSG more efficient but there will also be a huge benefit to you in not having to continually arrange payments to us for membership renewals and exhibition fees.

If anyone has any questions please contact Brian, the Treasurer, at or on 07849 819038.


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