It is once again time for memberships for the OSG to be renewed.
Last year, the OSG offered an incentive for prompt payment of the annual membership renewal fees. We are pleased to advise that at this year's AGM, the Committee again proposed (and the motion passed by the AGM) that due to the ongoing rising cost of living that the incentive will be offered again this year.
Membership renewal fees of £50 per annum are due at the end of January 2023. However, if you pay your renewal fee before the 14th of February 2023 you need only pay £40. After this date, the renewal fee will revert to £50.
Last year, Brian spent a great deal of time refunding over-payments where the member's Standing Order had not been amended. It has been decided that this will not happen this coming year and that you are advised that it is your responsibility to make sure that instructions are given to your Bank to reduce the payment on the Standing Order. Any over-payments will be treated as donations to the OSG.
The Committee will again review the situation when the membership renewals are due in 2024
If you are intending to retire, please can you let Carol know so we don’t have to send repeated emails to you.
Any queries about membership please contact Carol directly.
Thank you for your continued support of OSG and we hope we will have a very successful year.
Carol Orwin Membership Sec 07816 036323 carolorwin@gmail.com
Brian Briggs Treasurer 07849 819038 osgtreasurer@gmail.com
Membership Renewal Method
It is essential that these fees are paid promptly to minimize the amount of clerical work involved in administering this process.
Payment Procedure for MEMBERSHIP fees
Bank Account Name: Oxford Sculptors Group
Bank Account No: 16615468
Bank Sort Code: 30-80-54
Bank Name: Lloyds Bank, Reading
Please ensure you put your full name as the reference or Initial and Surname so we can track the payment.
Please confirm by email that you have done this to: carolorwin@gmail.com.
Once the renewal process is complete the full list of members will be on the new website.