Group Administrator and Webmaster Nigel Williams has indicated his intention to step down from these roles at the end of this season (i.e. after Spetchley exhibition is completed), after a further two years in post since the 2019 AGM.
Work to recruit a replacement for Nigel has commenced, and as a part of this, the informal committee convened last year to discuss the Group's financial issues is now being formalised, to manage this process.
This committee currently consists of the following Group members:
John Penrose (Treasurer)
Carol Orwin (Membership Secretary)
John Nicholls
Keith Appleby
Any members who have issues with this process, or the individuals forming the committee, should speak now (lack of response will be taken as acceptance). Similarly, anyone with ideas, contacts, a desire to join this committee, or an interest in taking over all or some of the Administrator and Webmaster tasks will be very welcome to get in touch. Obviously, the preferred outcome will be for Group members to continue undertaking these tasks.