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OSG Favoured Suppliers

OSG group have negotiated for discounts of 5% to 15% with a number of suppliers of materials and tools. Please see the Favoured Suppliers page on the OSG website Members Home Page for further details about the suppliers, the discounts on offer and how to obtain them.

The suppliers currently offering discounts to OSG members are listed below here. Please consider these companies when ordering as in some cases continuation of the discount may depend on how much custom OSG brings them.

If you think that there are other suppliers that could potentially be approached about a discount for OSG members, please let us know and our Coordinator for Favoured Suppliers can follow up on behalf of the Group.

List of current Favoured Suppliers for OSG and their websites:

Bentley Advanced Materials:


Industrial Plasters:

Jacobson Chemicals:

Pottery Crafts:


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